Thursday, December 25, 2008

one of many new year's resolutions...

so, i created this blog with huge ideas of grandeur... and have so far done nothing. perhaps it was timing. i did start it as i started 2 other blogs (strawberry moon and must be tuesday). or maybe it was just the hectic holiday schedule that kept me away. for whatever reason i have not shared any experiences thus far, i am determined to rectify that in the new year. so bear with me and i assure you all that 2009 will see this blog finally take off.
peace. love. travel.


Anonymous said...

I like peace in all nations,Love all eternally embracing to my heart and absolute Happiness all around the four corners.

My resolution is not to find faults in others,Love all,compassionate to all,taking complete responsibility,challenging my inner negativity and make them a spring board to move forward in life.

Thank you

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Ms. B1tch is tired tired tired...(and very hungry said...

Ms B will wait with patience - even though she is not always patient, she can be!

Kathryn Magendie said...

Blogs do take up a lot of time, don't they!